[Spambayes] RE: [spambayes-dev] SPAMBAYES DUPLICATING EMAIL

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Tue Oct 7 22:37:13 EDT 2003

> I have installd the latest version of spambayes,
> i am having a problem with multiple duplications
> of emails, in one case this morning i received 32
> of the same e-mail messages from the same person.
> Can you advise how to correct? I am running windows 
> 2000 ver5 service pack 4.

1.  The correct place for messages like this is either the spambayes
mailing list - spambayes at python.org, or via a bug tracker on
sourceforge's system: <http://sf.net/projects/spambayes>.  spambayes-dev
is intended for discussion of development of spambayes, and it helps if
mail is kept in the right place.

2.  What part of spambayes are you using?  The Outlook plug-in?
sb_server.py?  sb_imapfilter.py?  sb_filter.py?  pop3proxy.py?
Something else?

3.  What version of spambayes are you using ("the latest" might not be)?
008.1?  1.0a5?  1.0a6?  Current CVS?

If you're using imapfilter.py with 1.0a5, then please try upgrading to
1.0a6, as a bug sounding like this was fixed then.  If not, then please
supply more information!

=Tony Meyer

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