[Spambayes] train_on_filter

Seth Goodman delete at GoodmanAssociates.com
Tue Nov 25 22:58:37 EST 2003

> as I understand it, train_on_filter automatically trains all messages
> filtered which are not classified as unsure. If I would put this option
> on, the ham/spam ratio of my database would steadily move toward the
> ham/spam ratio of all incoming e-mail, which is approximately 10. This
> ratio is far from optimal, of course. Is it possible to tell Spambayes
> to train on filter, but only if this will not lead to a ham/spam ratio
> larger than, e.g., 1.5 or smaller than 0.5?
> yours,
> Gerrit Holl.

I didn't know about this feature.  Is it available in the Outlook plug-in or
only the full version (for lack of a better name?

Seth Goodman

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