[Spambayes] How to tell SpamBayes to check more headers (using MSOplugin)

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Nov 25 01:15:20 EST 2003

> I'm still playing with it, but here's what I have so far. It 
> seems to work quite nicely - after a full retrain, I'm seeing 
> a lot of spammassassin: and
> spamcop: lines near the spammy end of evidence listings.

Thanks - I've added this to the SpamBayes wiki
(<http://www.entrian.com/sbwiki>) in case others are interested in it (if
you'd rather it wasn't there, please feel free to remove it - OTOH, if you
improve the code, or have results, feel free to add to it!).

=Tony Meyer

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