[Spambayes] problem

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sat Nov 22 18:42:29 EST 2003

> just had it installed a few days--when one of my co-workers 
> send me a message, it arrives in the inbox for less than a 
> second and dissappears--it doesn't show up in the spam file, 
> deleted file, or anywhere I can find.  Also, at times, I get 
> a indicator that I have recieved mail, but there is none in 
> the in box, or in the spam file.

Are you looking in the folder that you've designated to hold mail SpamBayes
is unsure about?  Are you definitely looking in the right spam folder?  Have
you tried searching for the messages with Outlook's Advanced Find?

=Tony Meyer

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