[Spambayes] Getting Evidence (Was: AssertionError: hamcount <=nham)

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Nov 19 21:50:28 EST 2003

> Attached is a little script I wrote (spamcounts.py) but 
> haven't yet released.  I use it typically to just view the 
> total spam and ham counts like so:

In addition to Skip's script & ideas, you can probably find some of what you
want in UserInterface.py (particularly the cvs version, not the 1.0a7 one).
There are functions there that generate the clues list and so on, which you
can probably graft onto Skip's script.

Skip - your script sounds like a useful addition to the utilities directory,
unless you don't think it's ready for use by others.

=Tony Meyer

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