[Spambayes] AssertionError: hamcount <= nham

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Wed Nov 19 09:23:03 EST 2003

papaDoc wrote:
> >whenever I untrain a spam message accidantly trained as ham, by
> >database gets corrupted. I get the following error message:

> If later you find a mistake and you untrain. with the above email. Since 
> it was never really train with the later database the
> hamcount or spamcount can co negative.
> So start again and force the training on all message
> sb_mboxtrain -f -g you_ham_mbox -s your_spam_mbox
> You will be able to correct your mistake.

Thanks for your answer. I will try to avoid it in the future.
Correcting it will force me to keep al my spam. I currently
don't, but I could do it from now on.


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