[Spambayes] [REPOST] Spambayes Outlook Plugin (Latest) unresponsive

Reed, David dreed at srdcorp.com
Wed Nov 19 08:47:55 EST 2003

Hi All,

I installed the SpamBayes Outlook plugin several months ago for our
Company President.  It's been working, mostly, since then.  Oh sure, a
few times it has stopped working, and I'd go fix it.

Well, today it stopped working.  I upgraded it to the latest Outlook
Plugin (.081?), and retrained it.  However, it still isn't responding.
I uninstalled it and reinstalled it.  Still not change.  No response.  I
can't even select an email and "DELETE AS SPAM", because it just
doesn't.  It's totally unresponsive to anything.

It only seems to be his computer (the Company President, naturally, who
isn't a computer guy at all, so he has NO patience for computer
problems), and I am seemingly powerless to do anything about it.

Has anyone else got any idea what might be wrong?  Like I say, I've
deleted it and reinstalled it, I've upgraded it, and I've retrained it
already.  I can't select an email and DELETE AS SPAM either.

All ideas and suggestions welcome!



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