[Spambayes] pop3 culler

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Sun Nov 16 04:33:33 EST 2003

I am the proud recipient of about 170 spams a day which
is 1.5MB per day.  My mail is held by my ISP and has a
limit of 10MB, which means that if I don't check mail
for a week then it will get full.

My primary machine is a laptop, which I take with me
on travels.  I suspend it when I'm not using it.  I
have an NT box in my house which I can keep running
all the time.

When the virus was going around a couple months ago
I was getting a 110K attachment every minute or so,
which meant that my mailbox was filling up overnight.
I ended up running Kevin Altis's kill script (with
mods) on my NT box to remove all emails from the
POP3 server.

I'm going to be traveling soon and don't know often
I'll be able to access mail from my laptop.  It may
be I can only connect through a slow connection, if
at all.  Thus, I want to set up a cull script on my
NT box which connects to my POP3 account and removes
any and all high scoring spam and emails which have
MS Windows executable attachements, except those
which meet some simple whitelist criteria.

(Being cautious, I might instead have it save all the
spams to the local NT drive for review when I get home.)

I would like to use spambayes to handle this case.
That is, I have one server with two clients that
connect to it.  The first is my laptop and the second
is the culler, which connects every, say, 30 minutes
and deletes spams.  This should greatly reduce the
amount of data in my mailbox.

I did not find mention of this case in the FAQ nor
in my review of the SB code did I see any existing
program which could handle it.  Does such a beast
exist or should I look into writing one myself?  If
the latter, what's a good starting point?

					dalke at dalkescientific.com

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