[Spambayes] SpamBayes -- I've really done it now!

Mark Howells Mark.Howells at softoption.com
Mon Nov 10 04:28:11 EST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kathy Lynch [mailto:kbird at net2dish.net]
> Subject: [Spambayes] SpamBayes -- I've really done it now!
> In my Windows XP, I just installed the add-in of SpamBayes 
> and I have already lost approximately twenty good messages 
> from my Outlook 2000 Inbox.

They should have been moved into the "Certain spam" or "Possible spam" folders defined in the 'Filtering' tab of the SpamBayes manager.  Just select the messages there and click on the "Recover from spam" button.


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