[Spambayes] Spambayes 1.0a7 - windows proxy_tray installation

Phil Pierotti phil.pierotti at swiftdsl.com.au
Thu Nov 6 00:06:40 EST 2003

Found the issue:      paths for the icon resources etc....
in pop3proxy_tray.py (line #144 onwards)

        startedIconPathName = 
"%s\\..\\windows\\resources\\sb-started.ico" % \
        stoppedIconPathName = 
"%s\\..\\windows\\resources\\sb-stopped.ico" % \
        # When 1.0a6 is released, the above line will need to change to:
##        iconPathName = "%s\\..\\windows\\resources\\sbicon.ico" % \
##                       (os.path.dirname(sb_server.__file__),)

[mebbe I didn't install something the way it was expecting]
But what I see is that under the distribution, there's
    windows\pop3proxy_*.py ("the scripts")
    windows\resources\ (with all the .ico etc resources for the systray 

The scripts are installed under
by setuup.py, but there's no corresponding  
with all the icon/resources


(a) did I not install something properly
(b) dd the installer not install the resources properly
(c) are the paths in the script wrong
(d) all of the above
(e) none of the above, I'm just smoking too much crack (as per usual)

Phil P

Anthony Baxter wrote:

>>>>Phil Pierotti wrote
>>Let me prefix this by saying that I'm sure I've got a screw loose here, 
>>or something.
>>Was happily running 1.0a6
>>DOwnloaded the ZIP
>>Ran setup.py install
>>went to Python23 and ran Scripts\pop3proxy_service.py
>>Fine and dandy
>>when I run Scripts\pop3proxy_tray.py it says:
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "C:\Python23\Scripts\pop3proxy_tray.py", line 467, in ?
>>    main()
>>  File "C:\Python23\Scripts\pop3proxy_tray.py", line 463, in main
>>    w = MainWindow()
>>  File "C:\Python23\Scripts\pop3proxy_tray.py", line 164, in __init__
>>    0, icon_flags)
>>pywintypes.error: (2, 'LoadImage', 'The system cannot find the file 
>>what am I missing/misunderstanding?
>I have no idea, I'm afraid - I'm just the release monkey <wink>. I'm
>cc'ing the SB list for more clues.

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