[Spambayes] Can't disable filtering on a certain folder

Andrew J. Coutermarsh AndrewC at primeworld.com
Tue Nov 4 13:43:22 EST 2003

I'm using SB0.81, and I've found an interesting problem:


I enabled filtering on another user's inbox.  I weed through his email for
him (my manager) but he decided that he didn't like the automatic filtering
because if I wasn't there he couldn't tell what was getting filtered out (a
couple messages were going into Unsure and they were legit but he couldn't
read them because they were in my Unsure folder).  So I turned off filtering
in Outlook on that folder.


However, it still seems to be filtering on his inbox, even though I don't
want it to.  I've tried resetting the filtering settings several times now,
and I'm worried that even a reinstall of SB isn't going to fix the problem.


Any advice?


Andrew J. Coutermarsh
Prime Resources Corp.
I.S. Department
Ph: (203) 331-9100 x3236
Fx: (203) 551-3324
andrewc at primeworld.com



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