[Spambayes] Problem with creating outlook binary installer!

Sanjay Darisi sanjaydarisi at cox.net
Mon Nov 3 04:56:14 EST 2003

I am curious on how to make the spambayes outlook addin binary installer. Is py2exe used or McMillan installer? 'cos I tried with both and got errors. Like I tried using py2exe with setup_all.py file in the windows/py2exe dir and got a few errors regarding the options of py2exe like 'exclude-dll' etc. As Thomas Heller suggested, I have used the latest py2exe (0.5.0a4), win32all-161 and grabbed the cvs version of setup_all.py file. No luck :-( Now, i am getting import module - no module found regarding the typelib modules mentioned in the setup_all.py file. How to create binary installer for outlook addin?

Then i went back to McMillan installer and tried. I used the Outlook2000\installer\spambayes_addin.py|spec|iss files. I was able to get a .exe file at the end. But, it won't work like I was able to install and the spambayes won't come up when I start the Outlook. Is it the same file that is used in building the spambayes outlook addin binary installer? I have few COM errors in the log file, complaining about lack of resource section for the image files and an assertion error saying 'Should not yet have a toolbar' Is there anything else that I have to do inaddition to using those files? Could anyone let me know how the binary installer of spambayes Outlook addin is built and could you share the script used in this process?

I'd really appreciate your help.

Thank you,

Thomas Heller wrote:

><sanjaydarisi at cox.net> writes:
>>I am curious on how to make the spambayes outlook addin binary
>>installer. Is py2exe used or McMillan installer? 'cos I tried with
>>both and got errors. Like I tried using py2exe with setup_all.py file
>>in the windows/py2exe dir and got a few errors regarding the options
>>of py2exe like 'exclude-dll' etc. I have py2exe 0.4.2 and python 2.3
>If you try py2exe, you should use the 0.5.0a prerelease in the files
>section.  You need win32all build 161, however.
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