[Spambayes] Installation difficulties / SuSE/KMail/IMAP

Brendon spambayes at whateley.com
Sat Nov 1 20:08:16 EST 2003

Try typing "python -V" at a command prompt.  You may have two versions of 
python on your machine and could be picking up an older one in the path.


On Saturday 01 November 2003 04:27 pm, Olli J. Marttila wrote:
> Please, help!
> I am at loss with installing spambayes. I have tried to get
> it installed innumerable hours in two weeks. Sigh...
> OS: SuSE Linux, version 8.2 Personal.
> IMAP protocol (kolumbus.fi)
> Python 2.3.2 (#1, Oct 23 2003, 00:59:25)
> [GCC 3.3 20030226 (prerelease) (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
> Spambayes-1.0a6
> Mail programme: KMail
> 1. I downloaded spambayes-1.0a6.1.tar.gz and detarred it in
> directory /downloads/spambayes-1.0a6 as root.
> 2. In that directory I run ./setup.py install. Thereafter I
> deleted the directory in question, again as root.
> 3. I opened X window as marttila and run
> '/usr/local/bin/sb_imapfilter.py -b'
> with the following result message:
> --<snip>--
> SpamBayes IMAP Filter Beta1, version 0.1 (September 2003),
> using SpamBayes IMAP Filter Web Interface Alpha2, version
> 0.02 and engine SpamBayes Beta2, version 0.2 (July 2003).
> You do not have a dbm module available to use.
> You need to either use a pickle (see the FAQ), use Python
> 2.3 (or above), or install a dbm module such as bsddb (see
> http://sf.net/projects/pybsddb).
> --<snip>--
> What does this mean? I _have_ Python 2.3 installed, as seen
> above.
> I also have installed Berkeley DB, version and
> bsddb3-4.1.6, just in case ...
> Building bsddb3 ('python setup.py build') seemed to go
> through without any complaints. However 'python test.py'
> complained about ImportError: libdb-4.1.so: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory.
> However, 'locate libdb-4.1.so' tells that the library in
> question is in the directory
> /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.1/lib/.
> Whatever I do, the only result of my installation attempts
> is the above message complaining about a missing dbm
> module.
> Am I dumb - inexperienced I am, sure - as so many seem to
> have succeeded in installing Spambayes - or is there
> something missing from the installation directions?
> Olli J. Marttila
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