[Spambayes] Updates?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed May 28 08:36:28 EDT 2003

    Mark> Is this going to be the best list for getting announcements of
    Mark> updates to the SpamBayes installer? 


The number of Spambayes-related lists just grew.  There are now four:

    spambayes (this list) - the list for users of the package - get help,
    answer questions, etc.

    spambayes-dev - the list for developers of the package or those who want
    to see where it's going.

    spambayes-announce - the list for those who just want to know about
    releases and other earth-shattering announcements.

    spambayes-checkins - the list for those who want to see how the code is
    changing at the file level.

Links to the subscription forms for each list are available on the home


about 3/4ths of the way down.

    Mark> to date I have no false spam's but plenty of mistaken probable
    Mark> spam classifications.

By 'mistaken probable spam classifications' do you mean spam that was
mistakenly classified as ham or unsure, or good mail that was classified as
unsure?  It helps to learn and use the lingo, mostly because those of us
working on the package (usually) know what the terms mean.  There is a short
glossary at


If you encounter terms you don't understand which aren't included there,
just ask the list.  If you mention that it's missing from the glossary (or
better yet, file a bug report at SourceForge), someone will add it.


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