[Spambayes] Performance of CVS Outlook addin

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Thu May 22 10:10:45 EDT 2003

In message:  <16076.59324.169936.406221 at montanaro.dyndns.org>
             Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:
>    >> It may also make Brad's hash string collection suspect.  I haven't
>    >> cvs up'd in quite awhile, so I am not yet taking advantage of your
>    >> recent tokenizer changes.  Others who reported data to Brad may be.
>    >> Brad, what sort of input do you want, pre-change or post-change?
>    Brad> I don't think you can 'post correct' the hapaxes you already have
>    Brad> in your wordlist, so unless you're willing to start with an empty
>    Brad> database I don't think there's anything you can do about this.
>I can, but only because I keep all my training inputs.

As can I, for similar reason.  FWIW, the database I sent is from a
significantly old version of SB (about 3-4 months) which I'm actually
using for my live filtering.  I suppose I ought to update eventually...

- Alex

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