[Spambayes] auto reply text

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed May 21 19:05:16 EDT 2003

Nice text :)

What are people's thoughts about using something along these lines
(maybe with a slightly longer explanation of what spambayes is) as the
main "readme.txt" file?  The current readme is really for developers or
testers more than users (it could become readme-devel.txt or something
like that).

> There is a known problem installing the Outlook
> plug-in on Windows XP.
> (What are the symptoms?  Is there a workaround?)  

The clearest symptom from what I have seen is that the "Anti-Spam"
buttons don't appear and the log file will have a trace (or many) that
  "'OptionsClass' object has no attribute 'skip_max_word_size'",
  "'module' object has no attribute 'DBDictClassifier'"
  "cannot import name tokenize"
in it.

The only workaround (AFAIK) is to install Python (if necessary) and use
either the cvs or (I think) alpha2.

> Note that you also need a
> recent enough version of Python installed on your system.

As noted in the previous message, this needs to note that this is not
the case if using Mark's binary.

=Tony Meyer

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