[Spambayes] Newbie here!!!

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed May 14 10:38:17 EDT 2003

> OK.  Got that download and I noticed another one that he said was
> required (?) - installer_mh.zip...

Sorry - I should make the page more clear.  You only need installer_mh.zip
if you want to build your own binary release.

> Do I need Python?

Not for the binary, no.

> Where do I get it?
> (What is it?)

The programming language used by this project - but the binary install has
everything you need.

> Will it screw up my dev box (Win2k Server, .NET 2003, VS6, etc)?

More than likely <wink>

> What order, and exactly what all, is needed?
> The reason I am asking is the docs seem to hint at needing
> "other stuff"
> but assumes that everyone reading it is up-to-date on all of the
> infrastructure of setting this app up...

Just run the installer .EXE - that is it.


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