[Spambayes] Outlook plugin -- Blatant, vaguely commercial offer.

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed May 14 11:25:04 EDT 2003

> I just got individually spammed by you (as probably everyone 
> on spambayes did?), asking me to download software which:
>     - is not clearly advertised as commercial or not
>     - does not give specific credit to SpamBayes

Did you read the message?  It does both of these.

> if you don't 
> understand the basic definition of spam, I'm afraid I can't trust you.

Well, there isn't really a basic definition of spam.  That's the whole
point of a filter that has a personal database.  But, for discussion,
let's use "unsolicited commercial email" as a definition.  This *was*
soliticited.  I signed up for this list to find out and discuss the
spambayes system.  A product that uses it is of interest to me, whether
I will use it or not.

It was *maybe* commercial.  The email didn't try and get us to buy
anything - in fact, it offered the software for free[1].  It wasn't
trying to sell the product - it said that it only does as well as the
stuff we're all using for free.  It pointed out what the differences
were, and who might be interested [2].

It was email, so it gets about 1.5 out of 3 in the UCE definition.
Hardly spam.

As a more trivial definition, for me the message scored 1.78191e-013.
Even my false negatives aren't that low.

=Tony Meyer

[1] Conditions applied ;)  Go read it.
[2] Tim's sister ;)

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