[Spambayes] Header cropping

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Mon May 12 14:01:04 EDT 2003

In message:  <20030510190340Y.hanche at math.ntnu.no>
             Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche at math.ntnu.no> writes:

[ in reference to header-eating problems ]

>Hammie.  Sorry, I should have said.

As others have said, hammie eats the headers if there is a message
parsing failure.  This is fairly easy to cause with a malformed
MIME section.  I mentioned this on list a couple times a few months
ago (including a message which causes it to happen), and the general
reaction at the time was that Barry should fix the non-strict MIME
parser in the email package, rather than making the error handling
in spambayes itself more robust.  This hasn't been a high-priority
task, given that it's really only idiots like me who hand-craft
MIME messages (with the occasional error) who are sending malformed
messages to trigger the problem.

- Alex

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