[Spambayes] Suddenly a lot of errors

Peter Bengtsson mail at peterbe.com
Mon May 12 16:21:50 EDT 2003

I installed the 1.0a2 from sourceforge yesterday and I use the pop3proxy so 
my Eudora now connects to localhost instead.
Yesterday everything was working fine and no errors reported. Great work 
guys! Today I get this errors:

C:\Python22\spambayes>C:\Python22\python.exe pop3proxy.py
Loading database... Done.
Listener on port 110 is proxying mail.grenna.net:110
User interface url is http://localhost:8880/
error: uncaptured python exception, closing channel 
<__main__.ServerLineReader c
onnected at 0x15d5838> (exceptions.EOFError: 
9] [C:\Python22\lib\asyncore.py|handle_read_event|396] 
.py|handle_read|130] [pop3proxy.py|found_terminator|199] 
ine|267] [pop3proxy.py|onResponse|341] [pop3proxy.py|onTransaction|437] 
xy.py|onRetr|484] [spambayes\classifier.py|chi2_spamprob|217] 
ier.py|_getclues|437] [spambayes\storage.py|_wordinfoget|192] 
helve.py|get|66] [C:\Python22\lib\shelve.py|__getitem__|71])

Any ideas what this might mean or what I have done to deserve this?

WinXP Pro, Python 2.2, what else do you need to know?

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