[Spambayes] Problem with latest CVS

Jesper jesper.persson at gmx.net
Tue May 6 10:21:27 EDT 2003


I had problems with the latest CVS earlier giving me a "500 server error" when trying to configure through the web interface but that was fixed. Now I get it when I try to review the messages. I've pasted the error message below. I use the latest CVS and Perl 5.8 on a Win2k machine.

Hope it's ok to mail you directly like this, I don't have access to newsgroups. Thanks for a promising spam filter, keep up the good work!


Jesper Persson

500 Server error
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "c:\spambayes\spambayes\Dibbler.py", line 398, in found_terminator
    getattr(plugin, name)(**params)

  File "c:\spambayes\spambayes\ProxyUI.py", line 350, in onReview
    judgement = message[options.hammie_header_name]

AttributeError: 'OptionsClass' object has no attribute 'hammie_header_name'

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