[Spambayes] database corruption

D. R. Evans N7DR at arrisi.com
Wed Mar 19 16:59:21 EST 2003

Just to let folk know that the database corruption that I reported and 
filed a while back has happened again (#699063).

I line in Colorado and some of you may know that we just had a massive 
storm. The power here was intermittent for a couple of hours, and as a 
result the Linux box running pop3proxy.py went down a couple of times 
due to loss of power.

When everything came back up and seemed stable, I restarted 
pop3proxy.py and was unable to restart pop3proxy.py because of database 
corruption. As before, there was no mail activity going on at the time 
of the crash. 

Tim suspected in the resolution of the bug report that switching to a 
newer version of bsddb would fix the problem. I'm not in a position to 
do that at the moment (maybe I'll try again after Mandrake 9.1 is 
released), so I will have to try to switch to some other bayesian 
filtering system instead, at least for a while 


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