[Spambayes] full o' spaces

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Mar 10 13:18:34 EST 2003

> >  But I don't think these should be checked in, unless they do 
> >demonstrate that they make a difference.  The important thing is to 
> >code them, and test them, and note those tests & code so that later 
> >on, (when, for example, white space spam is really common), we can 
> >be as quickly reactive as possible, just grabbing code from the 
> >archive, re-testing it and deploying it.
> This bring the idea of creating kind of a "plugin" concept for adding 
> or removing rules ?

Oooh.  I hadn't thought of that, but I do like it.  Not as a release type tool, but definately as a debug type one.  I wonder how this could be done in a simple, non-bloat kind of way.

=Tony Meyer

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