[Spambayes] Great Job!

J. Solomon Kostelnik roz at one.net
Wed Mar 5 01:14:24 EST 2003

Just wanted to say "great job" on the software so far.  After training
only about 10-15 emails, it successfully caught ALL spam, and only
accidentally got a few "hams."

With each successive train, it gets better.

I really am impressed.

One suggestion: document (if it exists), or add a run-time flag to run a
certain .ini file on startup of the pop3proxy script.  I'd like to add
pop3proxy.py to my rc.local file, but I need to be able to tell it where
to look for the .ini file.  If this exists, please just point me to the
docs where it says.

Thanks again and keep up the great work!

Solomon aka JSK333

“Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and
I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for
I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls”
--Jesus Christ, Son of God; Matthew 11:28-29

PGP Public Key Available: http://w3.one.net/~roz/jsk333.asc

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