[Spambayes] Using SpamByes In A Multi-Computer/Account?

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Mon Jun 23 14:03:51 EDT 2003

> Basically, what I'm asking is, what is 
> the best way of having SpamBayes running on one computer, 
> with all the others proxying through it, using several mail
> accounts (without having to assign them to individual ports)?

Do you want everyone to share the same database, or have separate ones?
How concerned are you about people being able to read each other's mail?
Is this non-Outlook?  POP3 or IMAP?

If you want to share the same db and aren't that concerned, then the
only reason you couldn't use pop3proxy is the separate ports issue.  (In
fact, you could have several copies of pop3proxy running, and avoid the
privacy problem/shared db to an extent).

If you're using IMAP, then imapfilter should be up to this.  If you're
using Outlook, then the plug-in should do everything that you need
(although you'll have to use a source version, or wait for the next
binary release).

> I was looking at using PSpam, but 
> I've not seen much mention of it, on the list.

I'm not sure if anyone is using Pspam - it certainly hasn't seen much
updating recently.  I'm not really sure what it offers that pop3proxy
doesn't, except perhaps avoiding using different ports.

Is there any reason why you don't want to use multiple ports?

=Tony Meyer

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