[Spambayes] Spambayes Will Not Open

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Thu Jul 31 12:03:49 EDT 2003

Please try re-booting, then installing the plugin before you first start
Outlook (Outlook is known to not shutdown in all cases, even though it looks
like it has).

If you still have problems after this, please see the "troubleshooting
guide" included with the documentation - this covers the "Plugin doesn't
stay checked" problem, and also how to include any log files that will help
us diagnose the problem.


>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	spambayes-bounces at python.org
[mailto:spambayes-bounces at python.org] 
> Sent:	Thursday, 31 July 2003 10:51 AM
> To:	spambayes at python.org
> Subject:	[Spambayes] Spambayes Will Not Open
> After using SpamBayes for 3 months ( and love it ) the plug in disappeared
. I reloaded the file and despite checking the COM plug in, it will not stay
checked. So I downloaded again (newer version) and I get a popup window
asking me to close Outlook - but it is not open. Help.
> Mike Hennigan MD
> Decatur Internal Medicine Associates
> 1310 14th Ave SE
> Decatur, AL 35601
> 256-351-1990
> 256-351-9915 (fax)
> dr at internal-med.com
> www.internal-med.com 
>  << File: ATT00066.txt >> 
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