[Spambayes] Spammer countermeasures against bayesian filters

Mike Webb mwebb at dynatec.com
Tue Jul 29 15:03:56 EDT 2003

I have noticed recent spam has a long list of presumably ham-like rare words
appended to it. Do you believe that this is a Bayes filter countermeasure?
If so is the countercountermeasure a tweak that looks at the number of times
the word has appeared? I suggest the beta distribution as a generalization
of spam and ham probabilities as a possibility.


Reference: R. E. Neopolitan, Probabilistic Reasoning in Expert Systems ---
Theory and Algorithms


Michael L. Webb, Ph.D.

Dynamics Technology, Inc.

Suite 300                       310-543-5433x232 phone

21311 Hawthorne Blvd.    310-543-2117        fax

Torrance, CA 90503        mailto:mwebb at dynatec.com
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