[Spambayes] Suggestion for project homepage

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Tue Jul 29 21:06:37 EDT 2003

> Hmmm,  I would like to gently suggest that somewhere /early/ in your 
> intro paragraph on "What is SpamBayes" you make it clear 
> whether this is a client-side or a server-side solution.  My guess
> from reading the whole page is that it is client-side (I'm looking
> at server-side filters) but I'm still not 100% sure...

One problem with this is that spambayes isn't a single application, it's
a collection that use a shared core (of a classifier and tokeniser,
basically).  So you can only really say whether a particular spambayes
*application* is client-side or server-side - the project itself doesn't
care.  Although most people are using spambayes client side, recent
messages have noted that others are using (variants?) server-side.

Thanks for the suggestion, though.

=Tony Meyer

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