[Spambayes] problems with 1.0 alpha 4 outlook addin

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Wed Jul 23 00:10:29 EDT 2003

[Mark Hammond]
> ...
> It would be nice if somehow the PSA could track how much was given by
> SpamBayes users.  I think that once the mail SpamBayes dev crew agrees,
> we should add a few PayPal donate buttons on a few of the pages.

The PSF's Public Support Committee is the right place to wonder about this
(psc at python.org ... I think it's a private list, though).

I *believe* we can embed a "product number" in a PayPal URL, which is easy
to extract from the email notifications PayPal sends us, and would give us a
way to track which button was clicked.

I've speculated before that programming languages are generally viewed as
infrastructure, like roads and sewers -- most people don't really notice
them until they break -- and everyone expects infrastructure to show up by
magic, as a side effect of paying taxes.  Sigh.  "Product" oriented appeals
for funding may well be more effective!  It's certainly my intent that the
PSF grow to the point where it's able to offer grants to worthy
public-interest projects (spambayes included).
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