[Spambayes] X-Spambayes-Exception

Stephen Ng steveng at pop.jaring.my
Tue Jul 22 16:27:07 EDT 2003

Meyer, Tony wrote:

>>There is a hammie.db but I can't find hammie.db.dir or .dat files 
>>anywhere, so I assume I am not using dumbdbm.
>This is most likely the case.
>>Should I just trash the db and start again to train?
>Yes.  If it becomes corrupt again, then let us know, along with some
>information about how you've been training (so that we can try to
>identify the bug and fix it).
>=Tony Meyer
I deleted hammie.db and started the training again. After running error 
free for a couple of days with some more training in between, I received 
the same AssertionError aagin as well as a similar error -

exceptions.AssertionError() in probability() at 
./spambayes/classifier.py line 310: assert spamcount<= nspam

For the training, I have been using the web interface (./pop3proxy.py 
-b) and feeding it entire files created by the Mozilla mail client, 
after I had classified them myself manually and then dragging and 
dropping them into folders I created in Mozilla.

In no situation had I used individual emails for training.

I also saw the following exception -

exceptions.UnicodeError(ASCII decoding error: ordinal not in range(128)) 
in append() at /usr/lib/python2.2/email/Header.py line 230: ustr = 
unicode(s, incodec)

I don't know if this is also related to the problem above.


Stephen Ng

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