[Spambayes] 3 problems

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Fri Jul 18 09:49:43 EDT 2003

> Thanks for the thought, but I'm old and fairly wise in the ways of MS
> stuff: the service was and is running as the server SYSTEM account.
> Which for the purposes of most normal apps should give it the same
> level of system and file permissions as the system's local [but not
> domain] Administrator.

I'm not that up on the builtin account rights - but I am fairly certain that
networking resources are not available to services running under the local
system account.

In fact, I can find this documented in a few places:
Using the Local System Account

The local system account does not require a password, does not have network
access rights in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, and restricts your SQL
Server installation from interacting with other servers.

I'm not sure how emcompassing "networking" is in this context, but I know
from experience that "Microsoft Networking" doesn't work.  I have no direct
experience with using sockets from a service, but that warning still seems

> If it's a permissioning issue then I'd have expected to see an error
> message from the service module itself - either at system
> startup or at
> service startup - to the effect that the smtp proxy module cannot
> start. There is no such message in the event logs or anywhere
> else that
> I can see.

I agree in general - however, it assumes that the code makes no attempt to
catch this error.  The pop3 proxy guts may be silently eating the problem

> For the purposes of elimination, are you able to confirm that the
> pop3proxy_service.py module *should* also start the smtpproxy?

It does, in the same process (but a different thread) as the primary


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