[Spambayes] Eudora (was "no subject")

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Jul 11 13:08:16 EDT 2003

> 1. Even if everybody and their brother is offering some form 
> of Bayesian filtering, don't Eudora users deserve the *best* 
> Bayesian filtering?

The question is really whether there is anything wrong with the built-in
filtering.  If it works, why reinvent the wheel?  (Of course if the
built-in filtering isn't that good, like Outlook, then there's plenty of

> 2. I remember your post, just didn't think to grab the info 
> when it went by. I need that info more on the Mac than I do 
> on Windows, anyway. And perhaps it should end up in the FAQ?

It should end up on the mac page on the website, if nowhere else (which
is almost empty at the moment!).  If someone puts the information
together, I'm happy to put it up; I don't really have time to do the
putting together at the moment (plus I'd feel better about doing it if I
had access to a mac to test what I'm saying is right).

> I mention that because I was directed to the POPFile site
> (popfile.sourceforge.net) and was impressed by how 
> immediately you get to simple instructions for installing 
> POPFile with Eudora, Netscape, and Outlook Express.

Documentation really does need to be improved all around (well, maybe
excepting the Outlook plugin).  Want to volunteer?  <0.5 wink>.  (Note
that POPFile is 'stable' (i.e. has been released), whereas spambayes is
still in alpha/beta.

> Also, I note that the proxy allows you to put multiple mail 
> servers in the configuration, but I couldn't think of how 
> that would work. As a real example, I have one Eudora 
> installation that picks up the mail for 
> vanhorn at valkyrie.image-acquire.com and 
> imaging at verbose.twistedhistory.com.

It works by proxying on different ports.  So you'd proxy
valkyrie.image-acquire.com on 110 (or 1110) and
verbose.twistedhistory.com on 111 (or 1111), for example.  You setup
Eudora to connect to the appropriate localhost port.

=Tony Meyer

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