[Spambayes] Creating a Eudora (Windows) plugin - how?

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Jul 11 12:40:20 EDT 2003

> I am thinking that creating a Spambayes plug-in for Eudora 
> would be a good idea.  Alas, I have no Windows programming 
> experience.  Under the assumption that I'm not going to buy 
> Visual Whatever to do this, what free tools are available to 
> create a DLL?  I have Cygwin installed on my Win2k machine 
> here at work, but I seem to recall something else is needed (mingw?)

<http://www.eudora.com/developers/emsapi/index.html> has information
about both mac and windows plugins, in case you don't have that already
(it was in a previous post).

To create a dll, all you need is the gcc suite, or a variant like mingw.
Depending on your cygwin install, you probably already have a version of
gcc there.

All you need to do is compile with the "-shared" switch (and name the
output with ".dll" at the end :) - if you are using the cygwin gcc, then
you should probably also compile with the "-mno-cwygin" switch as well
(which removes the need for the cygwin dll to be present on the end

Python pyd's are just dll's in hiding, right?  I think this means that
you could use distutils to do the compiling, too (assuming you have the
compiler as well).

=Tony Meyer

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