[Spambayes] (no subject)

Ed Rubinsky edrubins at andisplace.com
Thu Jul 10 20:30:36 EDT 2003

Skip Montanaro wrote:

 >> I am thinking that creating a Spambayes plugin for Eudora would be a good
 >> idea. Alas, I have no Windows programming experience. Under the assumption
 >> that I'm not going to buy Visual Whatever to do this, what free tools are
 >> available to create a DLL? I have Cygwin installed on my Win2k machine 
 >> at work, but I seem to recall something else is needed (mingw?)

Two non-answers to your question.

1. Eudora is adding Bayesian filtering to the next release. There has been 
mention of the beta in earlier posts to this list.

2. Spambayes can easily be used with Eudora 5.1 on W2K, even with multiple 
accounts on multiple servers. I posted instructions to the list several 
weeks ago. If your interested, contact me off-list and I can send them to 
you directly.

Best, Ed

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