[Spambayes] RE: export training?

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Jul 9 13:36:32 EDT 2003

> However, could I configure one PC as my "master" training 
> location, and point my other PCs to that same file location 
> (via UNC if possible) so that I do not have to worry about 
> which PC has the best training, and/or copying updated 
> databases back and forth?

Which application are you using?  I don't see any reason why this
wouldn't work, unless you are using the Outlook plugin.  (The plugin
looks for the files in a specific place).

If it is the plugin, you could open a feature request
(http://sf.net/projects/spambayes) and Mark might add this (it has been
discussed before, although I don't think there is an open feature
request yet).

=Tony Meyer

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