[Spambayes] 1.0a3 and ^M

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Fri Jul 4 17:49:24 EDT 2003

> cannot get this prerelease to work at all on solaris with 
> python 2.2.3, the previous prerelease works fine. one major 
> difference seems to be all the ^M's in .py files.
> I also had to insert a space between the #! and /usr/bin/env 
> on the first line of several scripts in the final bin 
> directory to avoid getting <command not found> errors in the 
> shell (bash).

<sigh>  I'll take the blame for this.  I believe I built the release
incorrectly.  I'm hoping to put out 1.0a4 early next week to resolve
this and other issues.

> after training with mboxtrain on all my email and spam the 
> filter (cat $1 | hammie.py -f -d | grep Spambayes ) always 
> reports unsure and 0.5, no matter what I throw on it.

If you were able to test this with current CVS, that would be fantastic.
If it works, then it is just the distribution problem, which should be
gone soon!  If it doesn't, then we know we need to fix this too!  (If
you can't get CVS, then if you could just use a2 until next week, and
then try a4 [1], that would be good).

=Tony Meyer

[1] Assuming that I am able to convince everyone that it's needed, and
also able to find the time needed to get it done on schedule...

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