[Spambayes] Re: 1.0a1 is done

papaDoc papaDoc at videotron.ca
Fri Jan 17 09:15:09 EST 2003


I tested it and this is what I found

1- I think there is a typo in INTEGRATION.txt
< The minimum you need to do to get started is create a bayescustomize.ini
 > The minimum you need too do to get started is create a bayescustomize.ini

2- When I try to run pop3graph.py. I get this error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "D:\REMI_N~1\MAILFI~1\SPAMBA~1.0A1\UTILIT~1\POP3GR~1.PY", line 
12, in ?
     from spambayes import  mboxutils
ImportError: No module named spambayes

3- This is not a problem with the release but I will ask
I'm running pop3proxy since a while so I have accumulated some ham and 
spam that pop3proxy saved in the cache file.
How can I make the new pop3proxy aware of those file.
If I only copy the cache file or define the values
pop3proxy_spam_cache: D:/Remi_NoBackup/MailFilter/pop3proxy-spam-cache
pop3proxy_ham_cache: D:/Remi_NoBackup/MailFilter/pop3proxy-ham-cache
pop3proxy_unknown_cache: D:/Remi_NoBackup/MailFilter/pop3proxy-unknown-cache
I still have in the web interface
  Total emails trained: Spam: 0  Ham: 0
instead of
  Total emails trained: Spam: 68  Ham: 93

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