[Spambayes] Lot of files removed from CVS?

David LeBlanc whisper at oz.net
Tue Jan 14 12:52:47 EST 2003

I'm using wincvs. By selecting "create missing directories that exist in the
repository", I get the -d flag (and a bunch of "U" messages of some (all?)
of the files listed in my last post during the refresh) - what's the P mean?
I also tried using wincvs' command line option to run the command suggested
and got back a usage message.

Sorry, I realize this is OT a bit...

David LeBlanc
Seattle, WA USA

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Skip Montanaro [mailto:skip at pobox.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:43
> To: David LeBlanc
> Cc: spambayes at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Spambayes] Lot of files removed from CVS?
>     David> I just updated my local copy of CVS (from about a week
> ago or so)
>     David> and got this (normal update messages removed):
>     ...
>     David> Is this correct?
> Yup.  Try
>     cvs -dP .
> instead.  Anthony moved stuff all around a day or two ago.
> Skip

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