[Spambayes] Experimental SpamBayes build available

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Dec 23 01:29:25 EST 2003

Hi all,

I have just uploaded an installer for a new experimental binary of
SpamBayes.  This binary includes *both* the Outlook addin and the sb_server
applications.  The installer attempts to detect the most appropriate one to

Everything is built from CVS sources as of today.  Hopefully, this will mean
the Outlook addin has a number of bugs fixed over the 0.8 release.  However,
it is possible there are a number of bugs *not* in 0.8, and even the
possiblility it will not work at all for many people (as this is released
with different 'python->.exe' technology than previous versions)

The sb_server application suite all seem to work fine too, so non-outlook
users are also encouraged to try this version.  Note that it comes with
almost no documentation (as there is none!) and that this is the first
release of such a binary, so this too is bleeding edge.

Thus, only brave people willing to test out stuff with almost no release
notes should try it :)  To further dissuade you, I am leaving for a week or
so holiday, and will not be in a position to respond to any mail or bugs
relating to this build. That said, it works well for me and the testing I
have done on a number of machines.

If anyone is keen, please visit

Happy holidays!


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