[Spambayes] Spambayes

uuhhuu at athenet.net uuhhuu at athenet.net
Thu Dec 18 12:24:03 EST 2003

I realize you've just gotten an answer you your question that can [retty
much be summed up as "No!" but I believe (and I'm sure I will be corrected
if wrong) that the answer is more properly, "No, but..."

If you are using Outlook 97 with an Exchange server (an unlikely
circumstance anymore) then probably Spambayes would not work. This is most
likely in a corporate environment with its own mail server(s) on its own

If you are using Outlook 97 to communicate with an ISP's mail servers via
POP3/SMTP or even IMAP, then YES, you can use SpamBayes. You just can't
use the Outlook plugin and the fancy buttons and interface. You'll be
using the pop3proxy (now called sbserver.py) just like I do with Eudora
Pro, or Pegasus mail, or any other POP3 mail client program.

Hopefully you are using Windows 2000, or XP, or NT, where the sbserver
proxy can run as a service. Much neater that way.

I don't know much about custominzing OL97 to run over the proxy, but I'm
sure there's a way to do it.
> Does this work with Outlook 97?
> Steve Hutchins
> Minerva Computer Services
> Orchard House
> Potters Bar
> Herts
> EN6 3AX
> England
> 01707 60700
> hutch at minerva-cs.co.uk_______________________________________________
> Spambayes at python.org
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