[Spambayes] Error installing Outlook addin with win xp

Fulinn28 blr28 at comcast.net
Thu Dec 11 14:53:18 EST 2003


I am new to win xp, but fairly good with pc's in general.

I have a new laptop running win xp home version, outlook 2000 and I tried to
install Spambayes Outlook Addin 0.81

It appears to install ok, until this error appears :

C:/program files/spambayes outlook addin/spambayes_addin.dll

Unable to register the DLL/OCX :DLL registar server failed; code OxOOOOOOOO.

try again , ignore or abort.

Can any tell me what this means ?  Is the problem with XP or Spambayes, is
there a fix ?

This is by far the best anti-spam software on the market, and I've tried a
lot of them !!
Is possible could you e-mail me as well as posting, I'm on so many lists
that I'm afraid I'll miss your response.  Thank you for your attention in
this matter.

Bonnie Rose
fulinn28 at yahoo.com

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