[Spambayes] Why is this classified as Ham

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Dec 8 19:34:24 EST 2003

[Mark Howells]
> Any idea why this is classified as Ham in the Web interface?
> It's obviously Spam.
> Spam probability: 0.999309965162
> *H*0.00138006962536
> *S*0.999999999949

SpamBayes agrees, unless (bizarrely) your spam threshold is above 99.93.

What do you mean by "classified as Ham in the Web interface"?  What
classification did it get when it arrived in your mail client?  Do you
happen to have on the options to include the evidence/score in the headers
as well?  If so, what was the score there?  The 1.0a7 version of the web
interface (IIRC) has the option to see the clues for a message, but only
with the *current* database - if you've done more training since the
original classification, then the score can change (although .9993 is very

=Tony Meyer

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