[Spambayes] POP3 Server Performance Issue Win2K SP4

W. Eliot Kimber eliot at isogen.com
Mon Dec 8 13:59:58 EST 2003

Kenny Pitt wrote:
> If your training database is very large then it could have an impact on
> processor utilization.  Just how big is your training database?

My hammie.db file is about 10.5 Meg.

> It usually isn't necessary to train on every message you receive, and if
> you've received 25,000 spams in about 3 months then I suspect your
> training is heavily over-balanced toward spam anyway.  I would suggest
> retraining on a much smaller set of messages (50-100 of each is probably
> more than sufficient).  After that, be more selective about which
> messages you actually train on.  If most of your messages classify
> correctly then you shouldn't need to train much at all.

I'm feeling a bit slow--but what is the process for doing this sort of 
re-training? Do I simply delete hammie.db and then retrain again using 
either new messages or old messages that I think are representative?

I couldn't find any docs that spoke to this process directly.


W. Eliot Kimber
Innodata Isogen
eliot at isogen.com

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