[Spambayes] Re: Outlook plugin - training, automatic

Dennis W. Bulgrien dbulgrien at vcsd.com
Wed Dec 3 09:27:11 EST 2003

This is a wonderful idea!  It would be terrific if a check box were added to the
SpamBayes Manager, Advanced tab, which would cause automatic training on all ham
left in InBox and all spam put in the spam folder.  I emphasize something Mark
Hammond said, "underestimating our own tool".  If an e-mail is over a 90% spam
limit, at 91%, the 9% that isn't classified as spam may contain clues as to how
the SPAMming community is trying to outwit the population.  For instance, the
words "buy v iagra online" (the space is to help THIS email not to be classified
as spam :-) is in the database.  The SPAMmer sends "buy v.iagra online" (have
you seen that technique?) which, lets assume, the classifier scores at 91% due
to "buy" and "online".  By automatically training on this correctly categorized
email, the word "v.iagra" gets added to the database.  Then if the SPAMmer tries
to send "b.uy v.iagra o.nline" the classifier will recognize "v.iagra" from last
time and have an advantage.  Its morphs with changes in the black industry, sort
of like artificial intelligence.  "Delete As Spam" and "Recover from Spam"
buttons correct any error; for those who don't care to check the spam folder,
the feature can remain disabled.

"Moore, Paul" <Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com> wrote in message
news:16E1010E4581B049ABC51D4975CEDB88619926 at UKDCX001.uk.int.atosorigin.com...
As I'm starting from a very small message base, I worry that correct
classifications are still somewhat based on "luck", and training based
on correct decisions would help to increase both my and the
classifier's confidence level.

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