[Spambayes] Fact Check for PC World [11hsbs SpamBayes]

Kristina Saar Kristina_Saar at pcworld.com
Fri Aug 29 13:19:48 EDT 2003

Hello Gary,

Could one of you please verify these facts below ASAP?  Thanks! :)


Please verify the following for publication in PC World, November issue.
The text is a paraphrase of that which will be printed. Please make any
changes in ALL CAPS (not in color or bold).

IMPORTANT: Please only notify us of changes that are strictly necessary for
the factual accuracy, spelling or punctuation of the material. Please do
not add text, only verify what is there.

I would be very grateful to receive your response as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Kristina Saar
Research Editor, PC World
phone: 415.974.7375
kristina_saar at pcworld.com

Product Information and/or excerpts from article or list text:

-- The free, open-source SpamBayes plug-in for Outlook 2000 and 2002 is a
2.8MB download.
-- Other antispam techniques rely on centralized databases of known spam
messages, or static rules that scan messages for words or attributes often
found in spam. Bayesian filtering differs by scanning the message's
content, then computing the probability that it is spam compared to other
messages already identified as spam or non-spam. Messages with a spam
probability of 90 or higher on a scale of 100 are moved to the Spam folder.
Messages that score 15 or lower stay in the inbox. Messages that fall in
between go to an Unsure Spam folder where you must determine their fate
manually. (You must first create these folders in Outlook, then configure
SpamBayes to use them.)
-- SpamBayes has a database
-- has an Unsure Spam folder
-- The SpamBayes plug-in adds buttons to Outlook's toolbar for jobs such as
a way to identify which spam messages it missed and the good messages it
wrongly identified as spam.


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