[Spambayes] SpamBayes new user - strange error

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Sat Aug 30 01:20:09 EDT 2003

> I've been using SpamBayes with Outlook 2002 SP2 on Win2k SP3
> for a couple of
> months and it has been working fine.  Just yesterday it
> stopped filtering
> and if I try to run the filter manually I get the message
> "Found 0 spam 0
> unsure and 0 good messages (67 errors)".
> Before I run the filter manually the log has this in it:
> ==============
> SpamAddin - Connecting to Outlook
> Loaded bayes database from 'C:\Documents and
> Settings\arankin\Application
> Data\SpamBayes\default_bayes_database.db'
> Loaded message database from 'C:\Documents and
> Settings\arankin\Application
> Data\SpamBayes\default_message_database.db'
> Bayes database initialized with 4382 spam and 4163 good messages
> *** - message database has 9222 messages - bayes has 8545 -
> something is
> screwey
> Loaded databases in 77.7437ms
> AntiSpam: Watching for new messages in folder 1 - Viget

You are using quite an old version - please upgrade to the latest.  It does
look like you will need to re-train SpamBayes from scratch before it works
again, but the good news is that while this error was common in early
versions, but has yet to be reported in the new ones.


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