[Spambayes] pop3proxy: "address already in use"?

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Aug 28 17:00:03 EDT 2003

> Trying to save a config file from the web interface gets me 
> this error:
> [snip]
>  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/asyncore.py", line 312, in bind
>     return self.socket.bind (addr)
> error: (13, 'Permission denied')
> Looks like I need to run the browser as root,

It's not the browser that needs to run as root, it's the proxy, but yes,
that would fix it.  An easier solution, though, is just to proxy on high
ports.  For example, proxy pop.example.com:110 to yourmachine:1110.

=Tony Meyer

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