[Spambayes] Spammers vetting with Bayesian Filters?

Anthony Baxter anthony at interlink.com.au
Wed Aug 27 15:11:00 EDT 2003

>>> David McNab wrote
> Hi,
> I've been training my SpamBayes setup for 2 weeks now. Initially things
> had gotten really peaceful, but I'm now seeing an increasing number of
> spams each day that are getting labelled as 'ham'.

What incremental training are you doing? Mistake based, or training all

> >From this, I can only hazard to guess that some of the major spamhausen
> are now vetting their messages with Bayesian filters.

Possibly - certainly there's occasional spams with a pile of random
words in it. But I'm not finding that this is causing me problems, so
long as I keep up with the training.

> Could challenge/response, with increasingly difficult turing tests,
> become the norm?

I hope not. C-R systems have the potential to severely damage the usefulness
of email. Look at how much damage has been done by crappy worm bounces flying
back and forth. C-R will also encourage spammers to use address book
hijacking - you release a worm that targets Outlook, and use it to send your
spams to everyone in the victims addressbook.


Anthony Baxter     <anthony at interlink.com.au>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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