[Spambayes] Spam follow-up

David McNab david at rebirthing.co.nz
Tue Aug 19 03:01:48 EDT 2003

On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 13:54, Charline Glowitz wrote:
>  It would be helpful to know what to do with the spam email after you
> have "trained" your computer.  Do you delete them, keep them in the spam
> file, etc.

One 'holy grail' to hunt for is an algorithm which can:
* parse the Received: headers with enough intelligence to avoid
   spoofed addresses
* determine one or more real IPs of hosts generating or trafficking
   in spam
* perform whois lookups and parse the output
* possibly perform some light port scanning sufficient to gain
   identifying info about the offending box(en)
* determine appropriate addresses for auto-transmitting complaint 
    messages - eg 'abuse at ...' and/or 'postmaster at ...' etc
* sending off the complaints, containing headers and email, plus
   GMT date/time of incident

Anyway, that's my $0.02 worth


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