[Spambayes] Spambayes at server level

python-spambayes.5.flick at xoxy.net python-spambayes.5.flick at xoxy.net
Thu Aug 14 10:52:16 EDT 2003

>involved complaining.  I think implementing Spambayes at the server
>level only will tend to block messages that half your users want to
>receive and the other half don't- causing a "can't please everyone"
>condition.  Implementing at the user level can please everyone and, more
>importantly, they never lose a legitimate email because they can always
>check their own spam filters.

I wonder if there couldn't be perhaps some sort of hybrid solution, whereby
Spambayes is managed locally by the users, as it is now, but it then somehow
communicates back to the server, which then takes the spam/ham databases and
applies it to the user's mailbox.

Hmm, then again, perhaps there's no benefit to that unless the server is set
to automatically delete the spam from the user's mailbox. Can't block at the
gateway level, since someone else might not consider the message<s> spam.

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